BLUE STAR MEMORIAL—Pictured are, l-r, Rev. Mike Rouse, Rodney Miller of PRT,Beth Rouse, Carolyn Lupo, Rep. Jackie Hayes, Donna Borders who is the Dillon Garden Club President, Pat Laird, Linda Rogers, behind Linda David Stoudenmire, President of the Garden Club of South Carolina, Senator Kent Williams, Jackie Roland and Larry Willard, Manager of the Dillon Welcome Center. (Photo by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon Herald)
On Friday, June 9, at 10:00 a.m. The Dillon Garden Club rededicated Our Blue Star Memorial at the Dillon Welcome Center at mile marker 195 on I-95.
Donna Borders, President of The Dillon Garden Club, welcomed everyone and introduced the guests after the prayer by Rev. Mike Rouse of Main Street United Methodist Church in Dillon.
The Blue Star Memorial was taken down when the Welcome Center was demolished and rebuilt. The Blue Star Memorial was also refurbished.
Some who were at the event included Senator Kent Williams, Representative Jackie Hayes, Larry Williard who is the manager of the Welcome Center, David Stoudenmire, members of The Dillon Garden Club, and others.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Beth Rouse.
The Blue Star Memorial History was presented by David Stoudenmire, President of The Garden Club of South Carolina. Stoudenmire remarked that the first Blue Star was in New Jersey in 1944 as a living tribute to those who had served in World War II. At the same time, there were 800 Dogwoods that were planted in New Jersey. The Blue Star was later changed to honor all who have served, who are serving, and who will serve in the Armed Forces of the United States.
Representative Jackie Hayes thanked The Dillon Garden Club for their service. “These ladies are the ‘go to’ people to get things done,” exclaimed Hayes. “The Welcome Center is a good trademark. I have worked on this for 25 years.”
Pat Laird of The Dillon Garden Club invited all to have refreshments and fresh flowers that were provided by The Dillon Garden Club.