Each year, the National FFA Organization honors FFA members who show the utmost dedication to the organization through their desire to develop their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
The American FFA Degree is bestowed up on a select group of students in recognition of their years of academic and professional excellence. This year, 3,434 American Degrees will be awarded.
Catherine Hunter Holland, a member of the Latta FFA Chapter, in Latta, South Carolina was awarded the
American FFA Degree at the 88th National FFA Convention & Expo Oct. 28-31 in Louisville, KY.
Hunter is plans to graduate from Clemson University in May of 2016 and is the daughter of A.F. Holland IV (Florence) and Kathy Johnson Campbell (Latta). Hunter is a past vice-president of the SC Chapter of the FFA and currently serves as treasurer for the Clemson Collegiate FFA Organization.
A special project of the National FFA Foundation, the award recognizes demonstrated ability and outstanding achievements in agricultural business, production, processing or service programs.
To be eligible, FFA members must have earned and productively invested $10,000 through a supervised agricultural experience program in which they start, own or hold a professional position in an existing agriculture enterprise.
Recipients must also complete 50 hours community service and demonstrate outstanding leadership abilities and civic involvement.
Each recipient of the American FFA Degree receives a gold American FFA Degree key, certificate and matted frame after being recognized on stage at that national convention.