The Pilot Club of Dillon met on Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 6:30pm at The City of Dillon Fire Department. 12 members were present.
The meeting was called to order by President Dorothy Stephens. Each member stood and recited the pledges to the American Flag and the S.C. Flag. Chaplain Millie Stanton gave the invocation and blessing for our refreshments. The refreshments were provided by Chris Harris and Jenny Hood.
After the refreshments of subs and chips, Secretary Melissa Moody read minutes from the previous meeting and they were approved. Treasurer’s report was read by Francis Shillingburg.
New business discussed was the Special Needs Hallowe’en Carnival on October 25, 2016. The PC of Dillon is supplying candy and goodies for this event and candy needs to be given to President Stephens by October 21. Also, discussion on a visit from our South Carolina District Governor Elect Anna Nunnery has been decided for the month of November.
Old business was the PC of Dillon’s project of collecting school supplies for Dillon School District’s Exceptional Children’s program. Each member brought paper, pencils, markers, scissors and notebooks to be given to this program. Governor-Elect Johnnie Luehrs and Haley Lynn will be presenting these items to DD4.
Next order of business was the upcoming Taste of Dillon on September 29 at 6:15pm at Buckhead Ranch in Latta. The PC of Dillon is supplying the spring mix with walnuts salad for this wonderful evening.
Other new business was our new PIF Ambassador, Millie Stanton. She was recognized and given a gift by club.
Several members are excited to attend the SC District Fall Council on October 15 and 16th at the Embassy Suites in Columbia.
At the finale of our meeting, the mystery gift and St. Jude donations were received. The mystery gift was won by Sandra Ross.
The meeting was adjourned and we were dismissed. The next meeting will be Thursday, October 27 at 6:30pm at the City of Dillon Fire Dept.
The Pilot Club of Dillon is a non-profit volunteer service organization. Our main focus is on brain safety and assistance to those with brain-related disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease, chemical dependency, traumatic brain injuries, emotional disabilities and mental disabilities.