The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club met on Tuesday, October 1, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Frances Tyler. 10 members were present. The beautiful table arrangement “Herb Delight” was layered with rosemary, thyme and basil in a crystal vase.
President Mildred Mishue called the meeting to order. Earline Moody gave the devotion and blessing for the refreshments. The refreshments were provided by Frances Tyler. The Southern Praline cake, cheese crackers, and sandwiches were a delight. President Mildred Mishue read the minutes from our previous meeting and they were approved. She also welcomed our new member Kathy Grantham to our club.
Next, the Treasurer’s report was given by Cathy McDaniel. The Membership Committee had no report at this time.
Project and Litter Chairman Frances Tyler mentioned of having an upcoming workday. We need to replenish the straw and rake leaves at the J.P. Camp Roadside Park. Also, the Harmon Park project needs some attention. A workday was not scheduled at this time.
The Ways and Means report was given by President Mildred Mishue. She discussed the upcoming Holiday Goodness Event at The City of Dillon Wellness Center. All club members signed up for the desserts they were bringing.
Publicity Chairman, Melissa Moody, handed out the October Newsletters and noted that our meetings were in The Dillon Herald Newspaper, the Dillon Herald website, www.thedillonherald.com and on The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club’s Facebook page. She also alluded that the GCSC awards needed to be turned in by next month’s meeting.
Birds Chairman, Dianne Pittman, gave a report on the Bobwhite. This beautiful singing bird has a burnt orange and brown body with patches of white on the underlay of the wings. Their heads are white with black plumage. This bird’s call is just like its name. Its whistle sounds like BOB-WHITE. It is found in bushes and brushy pastures. These birds are often heard more than they are seen. They live in coveys and usually roost on the ground during nighttime. They forage for seeds and insects, depending on the season.
After the bird program, Melissa Moody gave her report on Horticulture. She encouraged everyone to have a kitchen herb garden. Herbs such as basil (Ocimum Basilmum) and Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) would make great plants for the herb garden. The appropriate soil and pot will be of most importance to have the garden flourish. These kitchen gardens allow for easy access when cooking.
Next, Cathy McDaniel gave the program on Herb gardens. Herbs can be used for medicinal or culinary purposes and have several advantages. Whether, an inside or outside herb garden, several steps are crucial. Soil and fertilizer are very important as well as sunlight. Several benefits of an inside garden is it is accessible and there is little to no weeding. Also, keeping the soil moist will allow the inside herb garden to grow year round. While an outside herb garden will only be seasonal.
President Mildred Mishue then gave the Unfinished Business portion of the meeting. She asked that we support Nickels for Natives and continue our support for the Five Star Honor Club. The motion was voted and approved. The YJGC has also been approved for decorating a historical site for Christmas.
The door prize of a yellow mum in a woven basket was won by Dianne Pittman. The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be November 1, 2016 at 6:30pm at the home of Judy Powell.
The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., the South Atlantic Region, The Garden Club of South Carolina, Inc., and the Coastal District of the Garden Club of South Carolina.