By Melissa Moody
The Pilot Club of Dillon met on Thursday, October 27, 2016 at the City of Dillon Fire Department.
Nine members were present.
The meeting was called to order by Dorothy Stephens. The pledges to the American flag and South Carolina flag were recited in unison. Chaplain Millie Stanton then gave the devotion on “Christians are like Pumpkins.” It spoke on how God picks us from the patch and washes all the “dirt” from us. He scoops out and removes those seeds of doubt, greed and hate. He then puts his light in us, to shine bright, for the entire world to see. After the devotion, Chaplain Stanton gave our prayer for refreshments. Refreshments were provided by Millie Stanton and Dot Watson.
The Secretary’s report and Treasurer’s report were given. Then, the new business discussed was the Mother & Son Dance on February 24, 2017 and a Spaghetti Supper and Bake Sale. Dates and finalization for these events will be at next month’ meeting. Old business mentioned was the great participation for The Taste of Dillon, which was held at Buckhead Ranch on September 29. The Pilot Club provided the Spring Mix Salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing. Also, the Trick or Treating for Special Needs Children was a great success and was such a blessing to all participants. Special thanks to the Anchor Club for all of their help!
The guest speaker for the evening was Pilot Club of South Carolina Governor-Elect Anna Nunnery, from the Pilot Club of Evening Sumter. It was a pleasure to have her join us and speak on membership. She encouraged each Pilot to be inviting other people to join our wonderful organization. Afterwards, Sandy Sycama spoke on ‘Brain Minders’ and how useful the puppets are in bringing awareness to brain related injuries. The club then thanked each of these women for attending the October meeting and invited them to come again in the near future.
In the finale of the meeting, several birthdays were mentioned for the month of October. Julie Hatcher, Patricia Page and Melissa Moody were wished ‘Happy Birthday.’ St. Jude monies were collected and the mystery gift was won by Julie Hatcher. The meeting was then adjourned.
The next meeting will be held at The Dillon County Chamber of Commerce on November 17, 2016 at 6:30 pm.
The Pilot Club of Dillon is a non-profit volunteer service organization.
The main focus is brain safety and assistance to those with brain related disorders, such as Alzheimerís disease, chemical dependency, traumatic brain injuries, and emotional and mental disabilities.