AARP–Jan 8, 2018
The Dillon Area Chapter #5336 of AARP, Inc. met on Monday, Jan. 8, 2018, in the meeting room of the Council for the Aging at 2:00 p.m. with 15 members and one guest in attendance. Newly installed President Frances Tyler presided issuing a very warm welcome to all. The usual rituals were observed after which Leila Smith presented a meditation. The business session followed during which officers and committee chairpersons gave reports and announcements were made.
Program chairperson, Christine Carmichael introduced Ms. Doris Gleason, Director if Community Outreach for AARP in South Carolina, who spoke to members about medical alert systems. There is a wide range of options to consider when choosing a medical alert system. Questions posed were answered, and Ms. Gleason was graciously thanked for the information given.
The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.
AARP–Feb. 12, 2018
The Dillon Area Chapter #5336 of AARP, Inc. met on Monday, Feb. 12, 2018, in the meeting room of the Council for the Aging at 2:00 p.m. with 24 members and one guest attending. President Frances Tyler presided welcoming all and inviting everyone to participate in pledges to the American and South Carolina flags. Leila Smith presented the devotional “One Miracle at a Time.” Reports from officers and chairpersons followed, and announcements were made.
Christine Carmichael, program chairperson, introduced Ms. Jessica Bracey, program coordinator for the Council for the Aging. Ms. Bracey updated members on changes in programs as well as new programs at the Council for the Aging. Ms. Bracey was graciously thanked for her remarks after answering questions.
Adjournment was at 3:00 p.m.