The Latta Dogwood Garden Club met on Thursday, May 10 for their annual May luncheon at the Top Hat Special Teas in Florence. Seven members were present. Hostesses were Jaime Hughes and Maurice Fore. After a delicious lunch, Jaime presented an interactive program on how to use common household items in inventive ways in gardening. President Susan Carter then announced the awards the club won at the Garden Club of South Carolina Coastal District spring meeting. The awards included: First Place – Belva Finklea Bird Club Award; First Place – Thelma B. Suggs Memorial Educational Program Award; Honorable Mention – President’s Report; and First Place to Jaime Hughes for the Belva Finklea Memorial Bird Individual Award. The members then discussed proposed summer projects, including ideas for National Garden Week and how to maintain our garden plot beside the Latta Post Office. At the conclusion of the meeting Jaime presented each member a handmade novelty tee shirt with a pertinent garden theme. (Contributed Photo)