Dillon Mayor Todd Davis has proclaimed National Garden Week. He signed the following proclamation:
National Garden Week Proclamation
Whereas, Gardeners have a passion for nurturing the beauty and resources of the earth through the planting of seeds, the care, of all plants and the riches of their efforts; and
Whereas, Gardeners seek to add beauty, splendor, fragrance and nutrition to our lives through the growing of herbs, vegetables, foliage and flowers; and
Whereas, Gardeners work to preserve our country’s traditional spirit of independence and initiative through innovation and hard work; and
Whereas, gardeners advocate the importance of all creatures, large and small, that share our world and their roles in a balanced and productive ecology; and
Whereas, Gardening promotes a healthy lifestyle that lasts a lifetime, helps reduce stress from other areas of our life, teaches that rewards can come from diligent efforts; and
Whereas, Gardening enables members of Garden Clubs across the nation and the world to make a world of difference in the communities where they reside and work; and
Now, Therefore Be it Resolved, that in an effort to acknowledge the importance of Gardening and the numerous contributions of Gardeners, The City of Dillon hereby designates the week of June 4th – 9th, 2018 as National Garden Week