On Memorial Day, Monday, May 28, at 7:00 p.m., Major General James E. Lockemy honored the Dillon County Veterans of The Year with a 25th Anniversary Celebration with delicious prime rib meal with all the trimmings at Sidney’s in Dillon.
Many of Dillon County’s Veterans of the year were present and some of their spouses and friends including Major General James E. Lockemy and Ginger Manning, Lloyd and Linda Brown, Bobby and Judy McLean, Levern and Terry Hayes, Jerry and Rachel Huggins, George Pullie, James Leslie, Thom and Pam Thompson, Mallory and Patty Sue Scott, James Chavis, Terry and Janet Morris, and John and Coleen Harlow. Also, Jacorie McColl attended the event.
Charlie Vance and Carroll Allen were unable to be present.
Many of Dillon County’s Veterans of The Year have passed including the first and only couple in 1993 to every receive the award in Dillon County, Benny and Lola Covington, 1995 recipient Charles Ellen, 1996 recipient James C. Crawford, 1997 recipient Gerald Harrelson, 1998 recipient William L. Huggins, 2000 recipient Col. Joseph T. Griffin, Jr.; 2003 Recipient Carroll E. Hendrix, 2006 recipient Judge William J. McLeod, 2009 recipient Eddie McDuffie, and 2010 recipient Robert E. Snyder. This is eleven of the twenty-six recipients of the award for Dillon County.
During this time of fellowship the group discussed many topics including a unique project for next year’s Memorial Day Service if it materializes. It will be the first in the State of South Carolina and one of the few in the United States. The group was most responsive to this idea.
Other topics discussed were the recognition of 9-11 and our own First Responders. Also, this year Veterans Day will be recognized on Monday, Nov. 12, with a service at the City-County Complex as this year Veterans Day, Nov. 11, is on Sunday. Nominations for this year’s Dillon County Veteran of The Year were discussed. Special T-shirts were discussed.
The American Legion Ladies Auxiliary always participate in the these events and will do so again this year.
All of these issues will also be discussed in detail in the group’s August meeting.
Special guest speakers for the Monday evening event were brothers, Major Theodore Podewill and Lt. Monte Podewill.
One of these two brothers drove from Columbia, S.C., to Fayetteville, N.C., to pick up his brother, and both returned to Dillon to present the program on the 82nd Airborne. These two brothers presented a slide show with the reenactment of World War II.
The C-47 Club 82nd Airborne Division is a unique historical organization founded by World War II 82nd Airborne Division paratroopers and glider men. Its main purpose is comradeship and perpetuating the legacy of he 82nd Airborne Division, past and present.
Everyone enjoyed the presentation and left with a better knowledge of World War II.
Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon Herald
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