The 14th annual Capt. Andrew T. Harllee (Camp 2010) Memorial Service was held, Saturday, May 26, 2018, 9:00 a.m. in Mount Holly Cemetery in Dillon. The service was designed to honor the Confederate soldier’s good name that was laid to rest in present-day Dillon County. Flags were placed on all the veterans’ graves and the ceremony was held in the center of the cemetery. Honor Guard member, Gwen Dotson read the names of several Confederates from Dillon County while Lt. Commander Chris Daniels ringed the bell. The Harllee Honor Guard (pictured with speakers) posted the colors and the Lt. Commander offered the Welcome, Pledges and Salutes. The Opening Prayer and Remarks was presented by Chaplain Larry Jones. Commander Dan Cox presented greetings from the Sons of Confederate Veterans, President Christine Harris presented greetings from the Ann Fulmore Harllee (Chapter 1740) United Daughters of the Confederacy and Owen Wallace presented greetings from the Dillon County Historical Society. Our guest speaker, Johnny Sessions from Conway, SC, presented a presentation on the “Young Confederates” and the importance of honoring our ancestors. The wreath was laid at the center of the cemetery. The honor guard presented a Military Salute and Chaplain Larry Jones played Taps. The Benediction and Charge was read by Lt. Commander Chris Daniels. Pictured are First Row (Standing): Kenneth Parker, William “Dan” Cox, Bob Jones, Artie Quick, Keith McDaniel, Denis Jones, and Charlie Floria; Second Row: Owen Wallace, Christine Harris, Gwen Dotson, Johnny Sessions, and Christopher H. Daniels. (Contributed)