The annual meeting of the South Carolina Daughters of the American Revolution District VI members was held at Clark’s Inn and Restaurant, Santee, SC on Saturday, July 28, 2018.
The Rebecca Pickens Chapter members Regent Susan Shine, Vice Regent Jane Calhoun, Registrar Julie Sawyer are pictured with District VI Director Mickey Sieracki at the meeting. District VI is the largest in the state, with 14 chapters and 1,305 members. Some of the highlights of the meeting included the state fall forum conference August 24-25 at the Doubletree Inn Columbia, SC. Director Sieracki discussed the focus of the fall forum would be on historic preservation and genealogy workshops that would be provided for members at the conference. The district leader informed members of an upcoming reception and banquet at The Charleston Museum for the National President General, Ann Dillon, on September 8. Director Sieracki also discussed with members that 2019 would be the 100th anniversary of the founding of Tamassee school. There was a brief discussion pertaining to various items needed by the veterans at VA hospitals and their families at the Charleston Fisher House. A benediction was given and lunch was served. (Contributed Photo)