By Betsy Finklea
A ribbon cutting was held on April 11th for a resource office for Northeastern Technical College that will be located inside the Dillon High School media center.
The office will help in making students aware of the opportunities available at NETC. They will be able to get information on and take advantage of dual enrollment, work through financial aid issues, get prepared for future educational opportunities, and much more. It will be staffed with an NETC representative.
Dillon District Four Superintendent Ray Rogers thanked NETC for this opportunity to help their kids move forward with their education. Education will lead to a better life for these students and more opportunities for them.
DHS Principal Timothy Gibbs said it was a great opportunity for the students.
Dr. Martin Bunch, director of Dual Enrollment at NETC, said this was becoming a state model of how rural South Carolina can partner on education and help make the workforce employable.
NETC Board Chairman Dan Bozard said the road from poverty to prosperity runs through the schoolhouse. He said this was a great joint venture and a win for everyone.