By Betsy Finklea
New officers were elected at the Dillon District Four School Board meeting on Monday, August 19th.
A moment of silence was held in memory of Chairperson Ethel Taylor, who passed away this summer. Superintendent Ray Rogers said it was a sad day for the community, the board, and her family. Taylor was a member of the board for 25 years.
Nominations for the board officers were opened, and the election was held. Earl Gleason, Jr., was approved as board chairman upon a motion by Trustee Kenny Bethea and a second by Trustee Burt Rogers. Burt Rogers was approved as vice-chairman upon a motion by Bethea and a second by Trustee Mike McRae Mike McRae was approved as secretary upon motion by Earl Gleason and a second by Burt Rogers.
Other Business
In other business:
– Superintendent Ray Rogers reported on the opening of school. He said the opening had gone well, and everyone he talked to was happy and pleased.
– Bryan Rivenbark, Chief Financial Officer, gave the budget update. He said the teachers for their $275 of teacher supply money on August 12th. The payroll went smoothly. The balance of all funds as of 7/31/19 is $8,144,98002.
– The student services report was given by Lynn Liebenrood, Director of Student Services.
Liebenrood presented the Student Discipline Code Book. The major changes dealt with juuling and vapors, etc.
Liebenrood also updated the board on the Summer Reading Camp. She said it was a wonderful camp with approximately 65 students participating. It was held during the month of June. There were seven teachers, one interventionist, and one nurse.
Liebenrood reviewed the summer professional development which included the following: Innovative Ideas Conference for Principals, Read To Succeed Endorsement Courses, Administrative training the week of July 30, Mentor training on August 6th, New Teacher Orientation on August 7th, and PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports – “The premise of PBIS is that continual teaching, combined with acknowledgement or feedback of positive student behavior will reduce unnecessary discipline and promote a climate of greater productivity, safety and learning.”)
Ongoing professional development (Advance ED) includes STEM, Mathematics (focus on middle level math), Differentiation within the classroom (students learning styles and meeting the needs of individual students), Professional Learning Opportunities, Data Analysis, PBIS, and MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support, educating the whole child-academic, social emotional, and behavioral).
—The board approved the purchase of a vehicle for the bus transportation office.
Personnel Recommendations
– The personnel recommendations were approved. They include:
Recommendations for 2018/2019 SY: Robbie L Bolton – Custodian, Dillon High
Recommendations: Jannah Nichole Allen – Food Service Operator, Stewart Heights; Janice F. Forbes – Food Service Operator, Gordon Elementary; Ngum Bamah Konghendeh – Teacher, Dillon High; Mary C. Bethea – Bus Driver, Transportation, Lake View; Tiffany Bethea – Assistant, Gordon Elementary; Kathy Bryant – Teacher, South Elementary; Victoria Brogdon – Assistant, Gordon Elementary; Thomas Cannon – Teacher, Lake View High; Teresa Cook – Secretary, Stewart Heights Elementary; Victoria Cook – Assistant, Gordon Elementary; Seaquiria Davis – Assistant, Gordon Elementary; Gloria Frierson – Teacher, Gordon Elementary; Mary Kathryn Griffey – Assistant, Gordon Elementary; Beverly Gurley – Teacher, Gordon Elementary; Gary Hanna – Bus Driver, Transportation; Lisa Lara – Teacher, Gordon Elementary; Emily Leggett – Teacher, Gordon Elementary; Daisy Mae McDuffie – Custodian, South Elementary; Victoria McDuffie – Assistant, Gordon Elementary; George C. Marston, Jr. – Teacher, Dillon Middle; Sabastian Nkeng Asongu – Teacher, Dillon Middle; Barbara Rowell – Assistant, Gordon; Rochel Squire – Teacher, Dillon High; Christie Stroud – Assistant, Gordon; Melissa Thompson – Assistant, Stewart Heights Elementary; Marie Tiburcio – Teacher, Dillon Middle; Charmaine Walker-Davis – Teacher, Dillon High
Resignations: Laura Coleman – Food Service Operator, South; Tiffany Dean – Secretary, Stewart Heights; Colonel Timothy Houser – JROCT Senior Officer, Dillon High; Lillie Hush – Bus Driver, Transportation; Carolyn Monahan – Assistant, Lake View High
Retirement: Paul J. Alderman – Teacher, South Elementary; Elizabeth M. Herlong – Media Specialist, Lake View High.