The 1955 Dillon High School Class Reunion met for their 11th reunion at the Dillon Wellness Center on October 16, 2010 from 2-5 p.m. The class has been meeting every 5 years since graduation. Twenty-six classmates were in attendance along with spouses and friends. The welcome was delivered by Jimbo McLellan with Joe Frank Williams opening the reunion with prayer. Remarks were delivered by Jewel Taylor Booth. The lighting of memorial candles and remembering classmates who are deceased was done by Mickie Lewellen Singleton, Frances Bailey Tyler, and Margie Cromartie. Sylvia Williams Summer and Pudgie Spradley Walters presented classmates with a picture of Dillon High School which is now JV Martin Junior High School, personal identification badges with the senior class picture affixed, and a prescription to inspire memories which also might cause severe nostalgia.
Joe Frank Williams and June Moody Alexander led the class in the Alma Mater with closing remarks by James Little Alford.
The reunion was beautifully decorated with white table cloths and yellow mums in black wicker baskets which were grown and decorated by Pudgie Spradley Walters and transported from Cumming, Georgia.
Pictures from the past were displayed which brought many laughs and smiles of remembrance.
After the program a buffet of heavy hors d’oeuvres was presented for classmates to enjoy. The desert was a Dillon High School cake decorated with the school colors of black and gold. Music from the 50’s was prominent in the air with a few brave shaggers! Other classes were asked to join the 1955 class after 3 p.m.
Dillon High School Class Of 1955 Holds Reunion
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