By Betsy Finklea
The completion of the Church Street tree project in Latta was celebrated recently.
Several property owners and others involve in making the project happen gathered for the event.
Mike Griffey, one of the property owners, said a committee was formed that included Town Administrator Jarett Taylor, Amanda Allen, Keith Cox, Mike Griffey, and Duke Energy. They developed a plan and held a meeting with the property owners to take down the remaining trees on the street and plant something new.
The trees planted are Tideland Maples.
The project was paid for by the residents of Church Street, Duke Energy, grants, and Fed Ex, a partner they secured through the Arbor Day Foundation. He noted the efforts of many involved in the project, but especially Corky Lane, who Griffey said was the hardest working person on the project. He also thanked Dillon County and other partners.
Griffey said it was a team effort that brought this project to fruition.
Griffey said if there are other neighborhoods who would like to undertake the same kind of project, that it is doable, and he would be glad to offer guidance on what this neighborhood had done.