It’s that time of year again, the time to sign up for the 2022 4-H Poultry Project. It may be cool now, but Spring will be here before you know it, and the days will get warmer. With that in mind, consider the fun of raising and showing chickens. The new or veteran chicken grower, this 4-H project offers youth the opportunity to learn valuable lessons in the care and maintenance of a flock in a fun and engaging atmosphere.
Raising baby chicks from day one to egg-laying age can be a rewarding experience for our 4-H youth across South Carolina. The 4-H Poultry Projects are open to all youth between the ages of five to eighteen. Each county Clemson Extension office and 4-H Program will have registration information or contact Elizabeth Snipes, County 4-H Agent & Pee Dee Region Poultry Project Coordinator (esnipe2@clemson.edu).
The 4-H Pullet Chain has been one of our most popular projects, and other than feed and shelter does not require an abundance of time or expense. Registration is open through March 1, 2022 at 10am. Youth have the option to order chicks in quantities twelve ($40) or twenty-five ($80) to raise over the summer. Chicks will arrive in early May. The breeds of chicks offered this year are Golden Comet, Buff Orpington, and Barred Rock. Each breed is a reliable layer. We encourage families to do some research before deciding which breed will be best for their 4-H project and as their backyard flock.
Part of the Pullet Chain project requirements includes returning a portion of the birds at the end of the project for auction. If you order 12 birds, you will return 3 birds to 4-H. If you order 25 birds, you will return 5 birds to a final 4-H Pullet Chain Auction typically held after show season.
When 4-H participants satisfactorily complete each required part of the Pullet Chain (showmanship, record book, auction birds), the youth’s registration deposit is returned. Proceeds from the auction will help offset the cost of offering the project and all prizes/awards given throughout the year. All remaining pullets are the 4-H members to keep for their backyard flock. Youth will also have opportunities to exhibit their poultry knowledge or showcase their 4-H project experience by participating in various educational opportunities leading up to the final show. Also offered this year is the 4-H Laying Flock Project. The Laying Flock Project is for the youth that already has chickens at home and is not interested in ordering chicks from 4-H this year. Participants have the same opportunities to show as those in the Pullet Chain. The cost to participate in the Laying Flock Project is $10 for 4-H members and registration is open through May 2, 2022.
Youth who register for the SC 4-H Poultry Projects must also register and pay their SC 4-H Membership at www.v2.4honline.com.
With the membership, youth will receive a t-shirt and have the opportunity to participate in other 4-H projects offered for the year, including clubs, projects, and summer camps. The Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, disability, political beliefs, gender identity, marital or family status and is an equal opportunity employer.
The 4-H Poultry Project, like our other animal projects, is a rewarding experience for young people. They learn responsibility and a vast array of life skills that will help them grow into versatile, well-rounded adults. 4-H animal projects, such as the 4-H Poultry Project, encourage the process of “discovery” of knowledge and solutions and build competence and confidence.
To participate in the 4-H poultry projects, youth must complete the poultry registration online and pay the project fees. Fees are dependent on which poultry project youth participate in and the number of birds ordered. Forms are available through local Clemson Extension Offices or online at https://www.clemson.edu/extension/4h/programs/ag-animals/livestock/poultry.html.
For more information, contact Elizabeth Snipes, Dillon County 4-H Agent at esnipe2@clemson.edu or your local county Clemson Extension office.