DILLON VFW 100% MEMBERSHIP—The Dillon Eli Williamson Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6091 was recently awarded a new streamer for its awards banner. National VFW Commander-in-Chief Matthew M. Mihelcic contacted Post Commander Harry Moore to tell him that the Dillon VFW Post had achieved the distinct honor of achieving 100% membership for the 2021-2022 year. CIC Mihelcic expressed his sincere gratitude to the VFW Post for this and its many contributions to membership recruitment. Post Adjutant Jamie M. Hamilton helped lead the effort to reach this goal and among the 8 VFW Post in VFW District 7, the Dillon Post is ranked number 1. VFW District 7 Commander Mike Mishoe, in learning about the Dillon VFW being recognized for 100% membership, said, “I have had the privilege over the last 3 years to see Post 6091 grow into a strong and healthy Post serving the community, and helping Dillon County Veterans.” Commander Mishoe went on to say, “The Dillon Post is also recognized this this year with being awarded as an All-American Post by VFW National and as an All-State Post by the VFW SC State Commander. I congratulate Commander Moore and his staff on an amazing year.” The Dillon VFW meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at its Post Home located at 2042 Highway 9 East in Dillon. To learn more about the VFW visit www.vfw.org. (Contributed by John Harlow)