The Dillon American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Unit 32 elected its new officers for 2022-2023 at its April 7th meeting. The following members will fill the leadership positions:
• Unit 32 Auxiliary President Terry Hayes
• Unit 32 Auxiliary Senior Vice President Pam Thompson
• Unit 32 Auxiliary Secretary Pam Thompson
• Unit 32 Auxiliary Treasurer Margaret Lane
• Unit 32 Auxiliary Chaplain Virginia Coates
• Unit 32 Historian Linda Brown
• Unit 32 1st Sergeant-at-Arms Rosemary Herring
At the May 5th meeting, the Auxiliary took time to acknowledge the upcoming May 9th Mother’s Day by recognizing the oldest, youngest, and the most children Mothers in attendance.
Auxiliary President Terry Hayes presented each auxiliary member with a small impatient plant.
The American Legion Auxiliary meets at the American Legion Post located at 2014 Highway 9 East on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7PM. The auxiliary does not meet in June, July, or August. Auxiliary Membership is open to grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and spouses of American Legion members, or of military service members who were United States citizens and served honorably. Founded in 1919, the ALA is dedicated to supporting veterans, the military community, and their families.
The Dillon ALA Unit 32 supports local community Veterans programs and initiatives that help young people become leaders in their communities. The ALA Palmetto Girls State initiative is one of its very successful and most popular programs that helps teach rising high school seniors about government and politics and provides quality leadership training for these young people.
This year, the ALA Unit 32 is sending a total of 7 delegates to Palmetto Girls State from high schools in Dillon, Latta, Lake View, and from the Dillon Christian School. Additionally, you will find ALA members promoting National Poppy Day, May 27th, offering paper poppies for a donation.
All funds received are used by the American Legion Family for their programs that support Veterans, the military community, and their families.
The red poppy is a nationally recognized symbol of sacrifice worn by Americans since World War I to honor those who served and died for our country in all wars.
It is intended to remind Americans of the sacrifices made by our Veterans while protecting our freedoms.
The ALA asks that you wear a poppy to honor those who have worn our nation’s uniform.
Persons interested in learning more about the ALA can visit www.legion-aux.org.