By Betsy Finklea
A surprise retirement celebration was held for Lake View High School Principal Edison Arnette on Tuesday.
Lake View High School’s next principal Chris Ray welcomed everyone and spoke highly of Arnette. He said Edison Arnette was always somebody that he looked up to and had a great work ethic, good character, and love of children. Ray said he jumped at the chance to work with him and learn and grow as a professional. Ray said he not only gained a mentor, he gained a friend. Ray said Arnette was a friend to all. He said Arnette does a great deal for the school, for the community, and for people.
Joe Gleason gave the invocation, and Barbara Ann Jackson gave the details for lunch. Guests enjoyed grilled seasoned ribeye steaks, oven baked potatoes, a fresh spring mixed salad, oven fresh yeast rolls, and had a choice of desserts including homestyle banana pudding, chocolate mousse eclair, deli-made vanilla sheet cake, and praline pecan ice cream.
Dillon District Four Superintendent Ray Rogers said the last thing he did when he left Lake View for the superintendent’s job was hire Edison Arnette. Rogers said that Arnette had devoted himself to this school, these kids, and this community. He said Arnette was like E.F. Hutton, when he spoke, people listed because they all knew that Arnette had the best interest for every child in the Lake View community. Rogers thanked Arnette for everything he had done and for all he has meant to the community.
Lake View Mayor Starlian Lee presented an informal resolution. He recognized Arnette as a teacher, coach, principal, and friend.
After this presentation, Barbara Ann Jackson led the opening of gifts.
Fairmont Mayor Charles Kemp and a former teacher at the school. He read a heartfelt personal letter that he had written to Arnette. Others also made remarks.
Arnette then offered some closing remarks. He said it was never about him—it was about the school and the community. He said the true hero of his story was his wife because the time he spent there was time taken away from her and he couldn’t have done it without her. Arnette said he was leaving the school in good hands with Chris Ray and said this was a great opportunity to move forward. He encourage everyone to help Ray and support him and his new ideas.
More pictures appear on www.thedillonherald.com.
Here are some photos of the event:
Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon Herald
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