From The Unofficial Minutes
The Latta School Board of Trustees met for the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. in the District Administration Conference Room. Notices of the meeting were duly exercised and published per school board policy.
Trustees present were: Kyle Berry, Edward Bethea, Janice Boatwright, Betty Jo Johnson, Kenneth Kitts and Eddie Watson. Linda James was absent.
Chair Betty Jo Johnson welcomed all present and Dr. Kirby opened with prayer.
Rhonda Davis was recognized as Teacher of the Year for the district. Ms. Davis will receive a $1,000 bonus from the state.
There being no additions or corrections to the August 9, 2011 minutes, Chair Johnson ruled that they stand approved.
Donna Taylor presented a status report on the General Fund Budget.
George Liebenrood presented a proposal from Francis Marion University to work with area high schools to offer college credit to selected JROTC cadets.
Esther Rogers presented the Annual Update of Federal Programs for school year 2011-2012.
A Thinking Maps Demonstration was presented by Laura Rowell and Leigh Sloan. Thinking Maps give a language for learning by providing visual patterns to connect with our thinking. The Maps are being taught to all students in Pre-K through twelfth grade. This will enable every student to have the foundational skills to apply to any learning situation.
Larry Legette gave an update on the construction projects.
Motion was made by Edward Bethea and seconded by Eddie Watson to accept as first reading and waive second reading of the following policies: BCB, GBEA, GBGA, EBBA, JLCC, JICFAA, GCO, GCO-R, KBE-R. Vote was unanimous.
George Liebenrood requested permission for the Latta High School Spanish/International Baccalaureate classes to plan a trip to Costa Rica during spring break of this school year. A motion to approve the trip was made by Kenneth Kitts and seconded by Janice Boatwright. Vote was unanimous.
Betty Jo Johnson was nominated by Eddie Watson to be the delegate to the South Carolina School Board Association’s 2011 Delegate Assembly December 2-4, 2011 at Hilton Head, SC. Motion was seconded by Edward Bethea and vote was unanimous.
There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Eddie Watson and seconded by Edward Bethea. Vote was unanimous.
Latta School Board Meets
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