Submitted By Bill Aston
The squad of Samuel Coleman, Myers Hamer, and Joshua Price won third place in the JV 1st year division. Myers Hamer was the high scorer for the whole team breaking 78 clay targets out of 100. The amazing thing is that about half the targets were shot in a snowstorm. The competition was a whole day event with half the teams shooting in the morning and the other half shooting in the afternoon. The Dillon County Squads shot in the afternoon when the snow storm hit and continued until they completed the course.
The Rookie squad came in fourth place in their division and the squad members were Daniel Camp, Cole Gasque, and Davis Lockamy.
The team will continue to compete in this year’s remaining sporting clay events scheduled for Backwoods in Hemingway in March; The Hermitage in Camden in April; and Rocky Creek near Rock Hill in May.
They will also compete in Skeet events at the Triangle Gun Club in Newberry in March, and Trap at Mid Carolina in April.
Any youth interested in joining the team may contact the Clemson Extension office in Dillon at 843-774-8218 or Bill Aston, 4-H Program Leader at 843-752-5316.
The Friends of the NRA provided the team with supplies for training and practice, and the Dillon County Rifle and Gun Club allowed them to practice under safe conditions at their range.