On Wednesday, September 18, the Lady Vikings hosted the Governor’s School Eagles for a 3-1 win in varsity action. GSSM outscored Latta 25-21 in game one, but Latta dominated the rest of the game, defeating the Eagles 25-12, 25-16, and 25-20 for the win.
Cora Owens made five kills and two blocks in the game while Maggie Sloan made 18 assists. Courtney Owens and Tristan Martin made three digs each, and Macy Hyatt and Mikenzi Caniglia made four aces each.
On Monday, Latta hosted Dillon with the Lady Wildcats sweeping the Vikings 3-0 with scores of 25-18, 25-21, and 25-21.
Morgan Monahan made seven aces and three kills to lead the Vikings with Maggie Sloan making seven assists and Mikenzi Caniglia making six digs.
The Lady Vikings are now 3-4 for the season as they prepare to open region play.
Latta was scheduled to host Lake View on Wednesday and will be at Johnsonville on Monday, September 30 for junior varsity action at 5:00 p.m. and varsity action at 6:30. On Wednesday, Latta will be at Marion for varsity action at 5:00 p.m. Make plans to attend to support our local teams!
Photos by Johnnie Daniels/THE DILLON HERALD. Click images below to view at full size!