(Minutes submitted are unofficial until approved at the next month’s meeting.)
The Latta School Board of Trustees met for the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 12, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the District Administrative Conference Room.
Trustees present were: Kyle Berry, Edward Bethea, Betty Jo Johnson, Linda James, and Kenneth Kitts. Janice Boatwright and Eddie Watson were absent.
Betty Jo Johnson welcomed all present, and Dr. Kirby opened with prayer.
Martha Heyward introduced the first year teacher induction class to the Board. Each teacher shared his or her educational background and their enjoyment of teaching in the Latta School District. Induction class participants are as follows: Stephanie Barber, Tressa Floria, Virginia Foreman, Nikki Frabott, Amander Liner, Dana Molt, Mary Ruthven, and Corrina Young. Elizabeth Caskey was not in attendance due to illness.
There being no corrections or additions to the October 8, 2013 minutes, Chair Johnson ruled that they stand approved.
A motion was made by Kenneth Kitts and seconded by Linda James to approve guidelines for Policies IJNDAA and IJNDAA-R. Vote was unanimous.
Donna Taylor presented the status report for September on the General Fund budget.
Auditor Bob Harper from Harper, Poston & Moree, P.A. of Pawley’s Island presented the audit report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2013. A motion was made y Edward Bethea and seconded by Linda James for Harper, Poston & Moree, P.A. to send us a contract proposal. Vote was unanimous.
Esther Rogers presented the following:
– School Report Cards
– Staff Demographics
Robert McIntyre presented the 45th Day Student Report.
Martha Heyward updated the Board on the International Baccalaureate Program.
Larry Legette gave an update of the school facilities.
Dr.Kirby updated the Board on the Confederate Flag Suit.
Victor Rockhill gave an update on the Latta High School IB trip.
Dr. Kirby updated the Board on the new Latta Early Childhood Center.
A motion was made by Kyle Berry and seconded by Edward Bethea to approve the Latta Band trip to Florida during Spring Break. Vote was unanimous.
Dr. Kirby gave an update on the Illegal Drugs Policy.
Latta School Board Meets
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