Latta Coach Brad Richardson
Coach Brad Richardson is set to take the reigns of Latta’s junior varsity football and baseball programs this season.

Coach Richardson has been married for 23 years and met his wife at Winthrop when he was playing baseball. They have three kids, one of which is a sophomore playing college baseball at Anderson. His daughter is a senior at Greenwood and will remain there to complete her senior year, while his youngest son will be in Latta with his father.

Richardson brings a wealth of experience to the Vikings program. He coached at James Island for five years, serving as an assistant varsity coach as the team won two state baseball championships in 1994 and 1996. He was also head junior varsity coach. He coached middle school football from 1996 to 1999, and then moved to Greenwood where he served as head baseball coach for the varsity team as well as a teacher.

“I’m bringing over 17 years of coaching experience,” he said, “and I’m a quality teacher, so I’m a good fit for Latta.”

Latta has had a very successful junior varsity program under Coach Chris German, who was promoted to head basketball coach after the departure of Coach Tony Whittington.

“I fully intend to keep the winning tradition going,” Richardson said. “I instill in players that we expect to win. One must think one can win before winning and have that mentality already of winning.”

He added that he has heard good things about the incoming seventh and eight graders, many of whom played on the Latta All Stars team. The All Stars won their first ever state championship in December.

Richardson said that everyone will go through a bit of a learning curve as the season starts. “I run a disciplined squad,” he said. “I expect good things.”

“In any sport, we must have discipline. Sports athletes are held to a higher standard because they represent the school and the community. I’ve heard a lot of good things about Latta’s student athletes.”

Richardson added that he was looking forward to being a part of the Viking tradition.

“Latta has a great school district,” he said. “It’s good to be a part of this school.”

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