By Craig Brown
Eighty-five Wildcat football players received their championship rings on Saturday, March 14, at the Dillon High School Gymnasium with coaches and fans congratulating them on the school’s first undefeated season.
Twenty-one cheerleaders and one team mascot received gold chained lockets.
Wildcat Head Coach and Athletic Director Jackie Hayes opened the event and welcomed all players and special guests. Coach Hayes asked all guests to bow their heads in a moment for silent prayer for Qydarrius Bethea and his family on the sudden and unexpected loss of his mother. Coach Hayes then asked 47-year veteran coach Gerald Reeves to give the invocation.
Coach Hayes acknowledged the support given to the team by the school board; Superintendent Ray Rogers; Dr. Shawn Johnson, Principal; teachers and staff; the booster club; chain and tunnel crew; fireworks crew; broadcast booth; team meals; bus drivers; field consultants; stadium helpers and maintenance; and special team parents.
Coach Hayes also acknowledged one of the finest coaching staffs not only in the state but the country.
A 20-minute video presentation of the 2014 season was presented and prepared by Coach Jamie Norris.
Coach Hayes returned to the microphone and thanked Dr. Phillip Wallace for his medical assistance to the team and his generous donations to the school. Coach Hayes also thanked Dusty Rhodes as the representative of the company that makes the rings and for the special locket for his wife, best friend, and most devoted fan, Mandy.
Before presenting the awards, Coach Hayes added a special remark about the Wildcats football program. “Everybody loves them, everybody hates them, and everybody knows them.”
The cheerleaders and mascot received their awards first followed by the 85 excited players. Next up was the team managers, followed by the coaches in order of seniority.
In closing Coach Hayes stressed to his team that their academics come first and football second. Coach Hayes stated that he saw no reason why his team should not repeat with a fourth straight championship.
Coach Jason Gunter gave the Benediction and all left with smiles on their faces with high hopes to return next year.
Photos by Johnnie Daniels/THE DILLON HERALD. Click the images below to view at full size!