American Legion Post Names New Officers
At its May 5th meeting, the Dillon American Legion Post 32 named its new officers for 2022 – 2023.
At its May 5th meeting, the Dillon American Legion Post 32 named its new officers for 2022 – 2023.
AT THE VFW REGULAR MEETING, new officers were installed. They were sworn in by Quartermaster Jim Chavis.
The Latta Rotary Club has had a busy spring centered on four major projects benefiting both local and international causes.
Fulfilling one of Rotary’s Avenues of Service, Community Service (which covers projects and activities undertaken to improve life in our community) we have concentrated on Literacy.
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Phil Wallace has proclaimed National Garden Week in the City of Dillon.
Grace Harlow and Cathorine Price were two of the Help for Veterans volunteers who filled 64 grocery bags on May 19th to go to needy low-income veteran families in our community.
The Dillon Area AARP Chapter #5336 is sponsoring two 4-hour AARP SMART DRIVING COURSES, the first on Friday, May 20, 2022, and the second on Friday, June 17, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the Council for the Aging, 205 East Main Street, Dillon, S.C.
The Dillon VFW Post 6091 held its chicken bog fund raising event on Friday, May 6th at the VFW Post.
The Dillon Eli Williamson Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6091 was recently awarded a new streamer for its awards banner.
The Rotary Club of Latta made a visit to Latta Elementary School and Latta Middle School recently.
The Latta Rotary Club is working to provide a local relief effort to support Ukrainian refugees.