Dillon Garden Club Delivering Fresh Flowers To S.C. Welcome Center
The Dillon Garden Club periodically takes fresh flowers, recently Camellias, to the South Carolina Welcome Center out on I-95.
The Dillon Garden Club periodically takes fresh flowers, recently Camellias, to the South Carolina Welcome Center out on I-95.
President Johnnie Daniels opened the meeting with prayer.
The Dillon Kiwanis Club installed five new members in the regular meeting held Thursday, February 10, at B&C Steakhouse & BBQ in Dillon.
The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club met on Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., nine members were present.
The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club met on Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., nine members were present.
The Omicron Omicron Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated® located in Marion is pleased to give back to the communities of Marion and Dillon counties with monetary donations.
The Gents and Ladies Philanthropic Group met on December 18, 2021 to prepare items collected for distribution to children at the Department of Social Services.
After a delicious breakfast and fellowship, The Dillon Kiwanis Club members prepared to deliver the annual gift certificates to the less fortunate.
The Dillon County Veteran of the Year Organization recently held its annual banquet and meeting to elect officers for the CY2022. The dinner and meeting were held on October 25th at the Twin Lakes Country Club.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated® Omicron Omicron Omega Chapter hosted our annual AKA Caregivers’ Day Observance.