
The rite of passage most anticipated by any teen is getting a driver’s license. Much effort will have been invested in a successful outcome usually by taking a driver education course in high school plus hours of unofficial studying and practicing ‘under the wheel’ to insure that the right to drive is at last official.

‘Tis The Season

The word “turkey” when used as a slang term means that something or someone is a loser. But for sportsmen who test their hunting skills against this wily bird the term is grossly uncharacteristic.

Memories Are Made Of This

Some of my happiest memories were those of childhood. I grew up as a member of a large family (of 9) with six boys. There seemed to have been something going on all the time even in the days before television and other modern electronic devices.

Our Town

Recently I was fortunate enough to be given a photograph by Mr. B.P. Gordon. The photograph is a spring time aerial perspective of the Main Street in Dillon as is appeared in September 1953.