The rite of passage most anticipated by any teen is getting a driver’s license. Much effort will have been invested in a successful outcome usually by taking a driver education course in high school plus hours of unofficial studying and practicing ‘under the wheel’ to insure that the right to drive is at last official.

These are surely anxious moments when the examiner seats himself in the passenger seat to begin the long awaited test drive. But if you are young, the anxiety level is moderate unlike when the day arrives for the license renewal for a senior citizen. Despite years of driving and literally hundreds of thousands of miles of experience, there is no immunity from experiencing anxious moments perhaps even more than that of tenth grader. I speak from experience.

My birthday comes soon and with it a notice from the South Carolina Highway Department informing me that the time has arrived for renewal of my own driver’s license. It seemed only a short time since the last renewal and although my driving record is exemplary; still the thought of having to make a repeat appearance to please the state is slightly unnerving. It’s not that I doubt my driving skills or that a possible parallel parking test might be required, it’s that I find the process somewhat intimidating not the least anticipating having to stand in a long line for the next clerk to handle my application.

Too, if you have reached the ‘glasses” age as most readers will, there is always the eye test to pass assuming you have not taken advantage of the exemption offered by the state to allow your eye doctor to deal with that matter in a less stressful setting. And because budget constraints have curtailed the operating hours of some offices, it is wise to call ahead where you will get a recording for a call-back later. I called with a question but when answered by a machine, I didn’t have too much confidence is having my call returned; however I was wrong. In a short time the answer came.

With my eye test results and application in hand, I made the trip to the examining office the same day the application was received. I did not want to delay since there could have been ‘difficulties’ ahead should the unforeseen have happened.

Anticipating the inevitable long line, I was surprised when I pulled into the parking lot to see that there were only TWO parked cars present. Talk about perfect timing. I was not too confident however even then since who had arrived in the two cars, dealers with hands full of complicated titles?

Fortunately the was only one person in front of me and momentarily he was called for his interview meaning I only had to wait for just one person, a teen ager to complete her paperwork. So how long was my anxious wait? It took only 20 minutes to complete the transaction and with just two desk clerks available.

The process was carried out efficiently and after paying the fee, I was directed to pose for the shot that will for the next five years be used officially to identify me as William Chester Lee.

Anxious? Who me? It was far less stressful than sitting in the dentist’s chair and too, it will be five years before the trip has to be made again I keep telling myself optimistically.

Dream on.

Bill Lee

PO Box 128

Hamer, SC 29547

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