By Betsy Finklea
The Dillon County Council approved donations to the teams headed to the World Series at their meeting on July 22nd.
Councilman Robbie Coward made a motion to give $3500 each to the teams. This was seconded by Councilman Archie Scott. The teams headed to the World Series are the Dillon Dixie Darlings 8U team and the Latta Angels IOU team. They will play in West Monroe, Louisiana. At the time of this meeting, there was a Dillon Boys team and a Latta Boys team with a possibility of going to the World Series but they have since been eliminated.
Chairman T. F. “Buzzy” Finklea, Jr. called on Town of Latta Administrator Jarett Taylor, who wished to speak. Taylor thanked the county for everything that they have done for Latta and congratulated the Dillon team for making it to the World Series also.
Taylor said there had been somewhat of an issue with Latta, and they are in the process of recovering as far as their economic status is concerned. He said he thought our kids deserve all that we can possibly give them. He said unfortunately Latta can’t at this time. He said while they don’t have funds that they can give the team that he can come to the county council and tell them what is going on and make a point and case to do as much as possible if at all possible.
Taylor said the budget for Latta recreation is approximately $110,000. County Council gives $15,000 a yar which he said helps with the lights and stuff. He said the recreation program has grown at such a rate over the past 15-17 years that they have kind of outgrown some of their contributions from outside of the Town of Latta, Inc.
Taylor said he and Recreation Director Jimmy Haselden had looked at their numbers and that 85.8 percent of their girls and 82.8 percent of their boys in their program come from the county.
Taylor said he left like the Town of Latta and their taxpayers do help out the kids the best they can, and they hate they can’t help out any more. He asked the county for as much help as possible for this once in a lifetime opportunity. He said they had a team last year that went to the World Series, but it was held in Myrtle Beach last year. Taylor said they spent in excess of $9,000 on the post-season last year, and they can’t afford to do it this year. He said on behalf of the girls and the boys, he was asking for as much money as they can spare. He said he felt they would represent the county well.
He spoke about some of the athletes from Dillon County who had done well such as Anthony Waters of Lake View, Derrick Hamilton of Dillon, Donell Stanley of Latta, and Raymond Felton of Latta.
Taylor said sports and recreation are a big part of Dillon County, and he felt they should support it fully as much as they can. He said he understands budget cuts, crisis, etc., but as much as they could do as possible would mean the world to them. They are having a fundraiser. Taylor said they need almost five figures to go. He said he really appreciates what they can do.
The council voted to fund the teams at $3,500 each. Finklea said if the two boys teams made the World Series that they would also get $3,500; these two teams did not make it. Councilman Stevie Grice abstained from the vote because he had a child on the team and wanted no conflicts.
He said he was in favor of both. All other councilmen voted in favor of the motion.
VIDEO: Watch the July meeting of Dillon County Council online at
County Council Approves Donations For World Series Teams
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