The Glove and Trowel Garden Club met on Wednesday, September 14, 2016, at 3:00 p.m. at the home of Natalie Wallace with fourteen members present.
After refreshments, our President, Julie Sawyer, called the meeting to order, welcomed everyone, thanked our hostess, and recognized members celebrating September birthdays: Molly Pittman (23rd); Kathryn Bumgardner (26th); and Natalie Wallace (27th).
In the absence of Program Chairman Jamie Sue Stephens, our guest speaker, JoAnne Bell, was introduced by Natalie Wallace. JoAnne is Dillon Coordinator for the “Dillon County Health Initiative” located at 200 South 5th Avenue in Dillon. Striving to improve the health ratings in Dillon County, the Dillon County Health Initiative is prided in the following objectives: Offering free plants and seeds for community and individual gardens; providing health and nutrition education at no charge to the community; advocating for active youth by providing free double Dutch equipment and resources; partnering with the Dillon County Free Medical Clinic to help prevent high blood pressure and diabetes.
President Sawyer thanked JoAnne for such an interesting and informative program and presenter her with a beautiful fall Mum in appreciation from Jamie Sue.
President Sawyer then conducted our business meeting. After the reading of our Garden Club Collect, she introduced and welcomed our newest member, Sally Harrison. The May minutes by Secretary, Molly Pittman, were approved followed by a financial report by Treasurer, Ellen Jordan.
Dawn Arnette was thanked for placing a beautiful arrangement at the Dillon County Library for National Garden Club Week in June.
Julie LeChette reported that three trees need to be replaced at the Wellness Center, and that our club is in charge of Arbor Day. We have purchased four new benches for the playground at the Wellness Center. A plaque will be placed on each bench with our club name “Glove and Trowel Garden Club, Established 1953”.
Reflections from the Summer Expo were given by Julie LeChette, Linda Dutton, and Julie Sawyer.
Julie Sawyer and Sally Harrison[/caption]
Julie LeChette reminded all members about the Plant and Flower Show at the Farmers Market in Florence September 30 through October 2. The GCSC Native Plant Symposium at Clemson will be held October 7-9.
Our next meeting will be held on October 12 with Marilyn Zunk as the hostess.