Dr. Daniel Blue retired from Dillon County First Steps on January 30th.
First Steps began in Dillon County in 2000 through South Carolina legislation to increase school readiness for children ages 0-5.
Dr. Blue was selected as the Executive Director on September 18, 2000 and has held this leadership position for 16 years.
Dr. Blue is a Dillon native, having graduated from Gordon High School in 1956. He furthered his education at Claflin University and Fairleigh Dickinson University. He also served four years in the United States Army, receiving an Honorable Discharge in 1965.
Since becoming Executive Director and beginning the implementation of the First Steps program in Dillon County, much growth has occurred in Dillon County concerning school readiness for our children. Some of the most successful programs under Dr. Blue’s leadership have been the Public Full-Day 4-K and the Head Start 4-K programs, Childcare Training and Professional Development, Parents As Teachers Program, and the Early Head Start Child Care Partnership Grant. Dr. Blue has established and maintained strong partnerships with the school systems, private industry, and the faith based community. He implemented the Dillon County First Steps Annual Fundraiser in 2008, to allow all partners and citizens of Dillon County to give funds and resources to help Dillon County First Steps provide all programs possible for our children.
As Dr. Blue leaves the helm of Dillon County First Steps, he states he has been honored to serve the children and citizens of Dillon County and hopes he has helped make Dillon County a better place to live.
The Dillon County First Steps Partnership Board of Directors is very grateful and appreciative for all the service Dr. Blue has rendered. He will be missed by the board and colleagues alike.