Don Welborn from Carolina Produce in Anderson, SC visited East Elementary School on November 9, 2017. He explained to the students the correct way to peel a banana, discussed the cross breeding of fruits (Asian Pear a cross between an apple and a pear) and vegetables (Broccoflower a cross between broccoli and cauliflower).
He showed the different types of squash, carrots, and potatoes including the purple potato, which is one of the oldest varieties. For exhibit, he brought in blood oranges from Israel, edible orchids, persimmons, pomegranate, kiwi, and whole pineapple, just to mention a few. The students were able to sample pineapple, mango, sweet potato, multi colored carrots, radish, kiwi and the edible orchid. After sampling the fruits and vegetables they students would give a thumbs up if they liked it or a thumbs down if they did not like it. The students were able to identify most of the items that Mr. Welbourn talked about during the presentation. Missy Moody, Field Manager/Trainer from Dillon School District Four Food Service, also assisted with showing the items to the students. (Contributed Photos)