Nine members from the Glove and Trowel Garden Club attended the 2018 Garden Club of South Carolina Coastal District Spring Meeting on March 14, 2018 hosted by the SEA OATS GARDEN CLUB and the YOUPON GARDEN CLUB held at “THE SURF GOLF & BEACH CLUB, NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, SC” with Allyson Hirsh as Coastal District Director. Their theme was “SPREAD YOUR WINGS.” After Donna Donnelly, GCSC President gave her message, our guest speaker, Matthew Johnson, Audubon SC Director of Bird Conservation & Engagement, presented an interesting and informative program to the 167 members in attendance and 7 guests.
After lunch, a Design Program was presented by Emily Stephens, Past GCSC President and member of the Coastal Creators.
The Conway Garden Club Council will be hostess to our 2019 Spring District Meeting.
Our regular March meeting scheduled on the same date, March 14, with Elizabeth Jordan as Hostess, was cancelled to give all members the opportunity to attend.