As the proverbial saying goes, “March came in like a lion” —windy and very cold. However, this did not keep fourteen loyal members of the Rebecca Pickens Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution from their March meeting at the Wellness Center on March 13, 2018.
Meeting with the members were students representing each of the four high schools in Dillon County. They were recognized by Nancy Brigman, program chairman, as being the DAR Good Citizen from their school. These students were selected for outstanding service to their school, community and home. they were presented certificates and a pin by Mrs. Brigman. The students were: Caitlin Martin, Dillon High School, Brianna Carter, Latta High School, Amanda Jean Williams, Dillon Christian, William Hayes, Lake View High School.
The students and the adults that accompanied them were invited to stay for refreshments and the DAR meeting if they wished to stay.
The meeting was then called to order by Regent Susan Shine and the usual procedures followed.
The group is rather unique in their order of the ritual with the reading of the seventeenth amendment of the constitution and the ringing of bells.
Hostesses for the meeting were Chris Harris, Rena Alford and Linda Dutton.
The next and last meeting of the year is scheduled for May 8th, 2018, with Julie Sawyer, program chairman.

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