Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the meeting with prayer and welcomed all members and guests to the meeting.
Fifteen members present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Member James Leslie introduced guest speaker Al Agnew.
Al Agnew was the last prisoner of war released from the Hanoi Hilton prison camp in Vietnam.
Agnew, a retired Navy Commander, was a fighter jet pilot during the war flying from the USS Enterprise CVN 65. An equipment failure resulted in Agnew getting blind-sided by a SAM Missile. Parachuting to earth but not safety, Agnew was greeted by several farmers that commenced to beat him severely. Agnew was rescued by North Vietnam Militia and taken into custody. Agnew was blindfolded for two days and subjected to mental torture.
For the next several months in prison, Agnew was sustained on a diet of cabbage soup losing about 20 percent of his body weight.
Commander Agnew did not complain about his ordeal as many POWs were there for years, and many suffered physical abuse as well as mental abuse.
Many men and women served during the Vietnam War. All gave some and some like Commander Agnew gave a lot and some gave all with over 58,000 deaths with veterans still passing away from Agent Orange and other mental and physical stresses due to that war.
Due to the heartwarming presentation given by Commander Agnew, much of the month’s normal business had to be cut short.
Treasurer Cathorine Price reported that $4184.64 was in the bank as of April 10.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the treasurer’s report.
Craig Brown read the minutes from the March meeting.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the minutes.
City Councilman Johnny Eller stated that he has been in constant contact with State Representative Jackie Hayes and that Representative Hayes is going all out to help get a van to transport veterans to and from VA Hospitals and Clinics.
Dessert and coffee were provided by Mildred Mishue and Cathorine Price.
Chairman Daniels stated that the next scheduled meeting would be May 17, 2018.
A motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and approved by all present.