The Woodmen Life Chapter 120 of Dillon, S.C., held a First Responders Recognition on Thursday, May 24, at 7:00 p.m. at the Woodmen Hall on the Old Latta Highway in Dillon, S.C.
Mrs. Judy Herring welcomed all in attendance to the event followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by Diane Cox. The opening prayer and the blessing of the food was by Steve Herring,
Everyone enjoyed fellowship and a delicious meal prepared by team leaders Gail Woodle and Nell Price.
Elaine Owens introduced each member of S. C. Troopers District 5 to those in attendance.
Gail Woodle recognized and introduced the retired S. C. Troopers.
Each speaker expressed sincere appreciation for the wonderful job that The S. C. Troopers District 5 were doing. Many accolades were expressed and repeated throughout the evening as each speaker expressed heartfelt messages to the group. Edwin Stephens was responsible for the appreciation presentation to the S. C. Troopers District 5. Gifts were presented to all of S. C. Troopers District 5 in attendance.
The final remarks for the S. C. Troopers District 5 was given by Judy Herring.
There was a moment of silence and a song, “Amazing Grace”, to honor all highway patrolmen.
The closing prayer was by Leroy Owens.
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