The South Carolina Department of Education released the new state report cards on November 29, 2018. The report card provided an overall performance rating for each school. The rating measures new state and federal accountability standards. The new online report cards reflect data elements and student performance information from the 2017–2018 school year. In South Carolina, the performance ratings are based on meeting the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate.
Dillon Middle School is pleased to announce that we earned an Excellent rating on the overall school performance as compared to all public schools in South Carolina. This is a major accomplishment. This rating is the result of every individual on our campus and the commitment we share in providing our students and school community the very best.
As a learning community, we are continually looking to improve Dillon Middle School. We are proud of the work of all staff members at Dillon Middle School who rigorously analyze and identify areas of improvement to prepare students to be college and career ready.
Dillon Middle School celebrated their EXCELLENT rating by providing all stakeholders with a steak dinner and a DMS pullover as a token of appreciation for their dedication to our learning community. Our students celebrated their success and hard work with a pizza party. We are unbelievably proud of our faculty, staff, students, families, and community members who collectively are invested in the positive success of our school and helping us achieve an EXCELLENT rating on the SC Department of Education – State Report Card!