The Latta Rotary Club learned about Help For Veterans, Inc. at their meeting on Tuesday, February 12, at noon.
President Dewitt Coleman rang the bell to open the weekly meeting of the Latta Rotary Club.
After a delicious meal and fellowship, everyone participated in the Pledge of Allegiance and songs were sung afterwards accompanied by the pianist.
The secretary report was given, and the Sergeant-at-arms announced “Free Today”.
Announcements were made including thanking O.C. “Corky” Lane and others who were responsible for the meal, and Happy Bucks presented.
Program Director Abbott Shelley introduced the guest speaker, Johnnie Daniels, who presented the program for “Help For Veterans Dillon, Inc.” At the conclusion of Daniels’ speech, there was a time for questions and answers.
The program was well received.
The meeting was adjourned.