By Betsy Finklea
Fork Presbyterian Church had an array of special guests at their Athletes’ Appreciation Day on Sunday with both USC’s mascot, Cocky, and USC football offensive lineman, Donell Stanley, both making appearances.
Daphne Hayes played the prelude while Vic Carmichael lit the candles for worship. Announcements were made by James David Lane. The welcome was given by Rev. Adrienne Anderson.
The sanctuary choir sang “Something Good Is About To Happen.”
The congregation sang “Holy, Holy, Holy.”
Rev. Adrienne Anderson then introduced Cocky, the USC mascot, who put on a performance.
Rev. Anderson and Cocky then made some special presentations. Dillon County Councilman T.F. “Buzzy” Finklea, Jr. was presented a game football. Elder Bobby Perritte was presented a football autographed by Coach Will Muschamp.
All athletes, cheerleaders, and coaches were asked to stand and be recognized.
The congregation sang “Glorify Thy Name.” The offertory was taken as the choir sang “I’m Not Giving Up,” and Sandra Perritte gave the offertory prayer.
The Honorable Judge Mackie Hayes introduced USC offensive lineman, Donell Stanley.
Donell Stanley gave brief remarks about hoping and believing. He said we get too comfortable hoping for something to happen, but we must believe and do the work necessary to make those hopes come true. He said we must do the best with our abilities. He said we must live in the moment and to what it takes to be successful in that moment. His comments were well-received.
Kirk Hamilton, guest soloist, sang “Amazing Grace: My Chains Are Gone.”
Coach Daryl King, Lake View football coach, introduced the guest speaker, Coach Johnny Dew. Coach Dew spoke about the “uniform of faith.” He said the way we wear our uniform is very important. He said we must run the race with endurance and reminded the congregation that God chose our race.
After his message, the congregation sang America The Beautiful. The blessing was given for lunch followed by the Carolina Fight Song.
After the service, the congregation enjoyed a chicken bog lunch prepared by Henry Brunson with all of the trimmings.
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