Submitted by
Lynn Liebenrood, Secretary
The October meeting of the Magnolia Garden Club was hosted by Donna Edwards and Lori Ann Corbett at Latta Elementary School. Rhonda Dew created a stunning arrangement of a hybrid pumpkin arrangement filled with a variety of mums, pumpkins, and Spanish moss as the centerpiece. The ladies enjoyed chicken salad croissants, cheese wafers, mixed nuts, and a carrot cupcake topped with cream cheese icing.
Co-President Amanda Morrell began the meeting by welcoming Rachael Caulder as a new member. She let the members in prayer before beginning the program.
Program Chairman Eleanor Powers introduces Callen and Tyler Outen on presenting “Container Gardening.” Callen Outen works for Clemson Extension as the Horticulture Agent in Dillon and Marlboro Counties, and her husband Tyler is the Agricultural Teacher at Latta High School. Together, they provided an interesting lesson on container gardening. The Outens provided tips and tricks when gardening in a container. Topics included benefits of indoor containers, choosing high quality plants, selection of containers, drainage, fertilizers, and pruning. They also created two beautiful pots for our Harvest Festival raffle during the meeting.
Amanda Morrell presented a balance of $2940.61. Co-Presidents Amanda Morrell and Dollie Morrell finalized plans for the upcoming Harvest Festival. Each member is to bring a cake for the bake sale on Saturday, October 19 at 10:00 a.m. There is also a sweet potato favorite recipe contest and it will be judged if anyone is interested in participating. Amanda Morrell then presented a future project for the The Belva Finklea Garden.
November Notes from the Moore Farms Botanical Gardens – Lake City, SC
• Bug Bungalows on November 2, 2019 from 10:00-11:30
• “Holiday Appetizers” on November 2, 2019 from 1:30-3:30
• Terrariums on November 7, 2019 from 9:30-12:00
• Garden Open “Nature in November” on November 15-16, 2019 from 8:30-3:00
The meeting was then adjourned.
Tip of the Month: Plant tulips the last week in October.