By Betsy Finklea
The Dillon District Four School Board received the preliminary draft of their audit at their last meeting.
Rebecca Brendle, CPA, of Camp, Moring & Brendle, LLC., presented the report She said Dillon District Four had a clean, unmodified opinion which is the best opinion that they can receive. There were no material weaknesses and no significant deficiencies.
The district has a total fund balance of $6,739,992, the majority of which is unrestricted. $138,000 is reserved for school building. The General Fund had an increase in their fund balance is $365,516.
Food Service also showed an increase in their net position.
Brendle said overall it was “a good year.”
The report was accepted by the board upon a motion by Trustee Mandy Cribb.
District Four Gets Good Audit Report
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