Pat Laird was named the Dillon County Citizen of the Year at the annual Dillon County Chamber of Commerce Banquet on Thursday, February 6th.
Laird was not born in Dillon County, but that has not affected their feelings for Dillon County. She is known as go-getter, one who will roll up their sleeves and willing to do the work. Laird does not hold a public office nor seeks the center stage, but one who is a do-er and makes things happen in Dillon County.
Laird was born and reared in northeastern Illinois. She and her husband Steve have lived in S.C. for 47 years. They are proud parents of daughter Dr. Nikki Laird of Arkadelphia, A.R., son Stephen, and his wife, Ali, and their two-year-old grandson, Stevie, of Travelers Rest, S.C.
Pat is a charter member of RALI, Dillon County Healthy Initiative (plants and Pop-Up Farmers Market), the Dillon County Free Medical Clinic, the Dillon County Theatre, (was responsible for the Smithsonian Traveling Exhibit), a Chamber volunteer, member of Lake View United Methodist Church (where she holds many offices), the Lake View Women’s Club, the Town of Lake View Beautification Committee, Pee Dee Tourism, and the Dillon Garden Club just to mention a few. No matter where Pat is, you can find her trying to make things better for all citizens of Dillon County.
Volunteers Of The Year
Callen Outen and Tabitha James were named the Dillon County Chamber Volunteers of the Year.
In presentign the award, Johnnie Luehrs, Chamber Director, said “Siri defines a volunteer as a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task, or a person who works for an organization without being paid. The 2020 hourly rate for volunteers is $25.43. Volunteers are very valuable! The Dillon County Chamber depends greatly on volunteers. The Chamber has been blessed this past year to have two very talented and gifted young ladies as volunteers. No matter the time, need, or deed requested these young ladies are willing to help. They smile and reply, “Yes, Miss Johnnie, we can do that.” It is an honor to recognize Callen Bethea Outen and Tabitha D. James as the 2019 Dillon County Chamber of Commerce Volunteers” James was unable to attend the banquet.

Dolph Braddy Award
Melissa Moody was the Dolph Braddy Award winner. The Dolph Braddy Award was established by the Braddy family to honor the memory of Mr. Dolph by recognizing individuals who display significant community involvement in civic, cultural, educational, historical and religious activities which contribute to the betterment of life in Dillon County and for its citizens.
This year’s recipient, Melissa Moody, is a life-long resident of Dillon County. A graduate of Lake View High School, she was a member of the Wild Gator Marching band, and lettered in Varsity Softball and Basketball.
She and her husband, Scott, have two children, Brittani who teaches Chemistry at Latta High School and Avery a junior at Dillon High School.
For the past twenty-one years she has employed with Herald Office Solutions She is currently the President of the Yellow Jessamine Garden Club and the State Publicity Director for the Garden Club of South Carolina. As a member of the Yellow Jessamine Garden Club, she wrote the book “My Forever Home” about the birds of Harmon Park. The book was intended for school children, but adults seem to enjoy it too. You may even see her in a yellow bird costume from time to time.
She is a past member of the Dillon Pilot Club, the Dillon Historical Society and a current member of the Dillon Junior Charity League.
A member of the Open Door Community Church in Dillon, she serves as Children’s Minister for ages 3-12 and is a Sunday School Teacher.
On a personal note, Laird said, I would like to say that, any project that I might be involved in runs so much smoother because of her expertise and loving helpful spirit.