Registration for the 2021 South Carolina 4-H Rabbit Project is currently underway. This is an independent study 4-H project where youth (ages 5-18) are expected to provide quality care for their project animal, complete a record book, and participate in statewide 4-H rabbit shows. Youth must be a current South Carolina 4-H member to participate in the rabbit project.

Rabbits are popular 4-H projects because of their versatility. They are more manageable for younger and beginner 4-H members.
They require less space than other livestock options, making them ideal for 4-H members who have limited facilities and space to raise animals.
Pictured above is Dillon County 4-Her Deacon Snipes. He has secured his project rabbit and is ready for the 2021 Rabbit Project.
If you are interested in participating or need help locating a rabbit for the project, please email Elizabeth Snipes
Project Registration fee: $15
Registration Deadline:
April 30th

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