Submitted by
John Harlow, Member, American Legion Post 32
At its May 5th meeting, the Dillon American Legion Post 32 named its new officers for 2022 – 2023.
• Commander Asa McDuffie
• 1st Vice-Commander Mallory Scott
• 2nd Vice-Commander Harry Moore
• Finance Officer Levern Hayes
• Adjutant & Chaplain Lloyd Brown
• Sergeant-at-Arms Thom Thompson
• Historian Leslie McKenzie
•Membership John Harlow
American Legion Post 32 Dillon is located at 2014 Highway 9 East and meets on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7 p.m.
The Post does not meet in June, July, or August. Membership is open to any honorably discharged veteran or active-duty member of the military.
Our Post is comprised of veterans from the Dillon community.
The American Legion is tasked to support programs for veterans and to advocate for veterans and their families. Dillon Post 32 supports local community Veterans programs and programs that help young people become leaders in their communities.
The American Legion’s Palmetto Boys State program helps teach rising high school seniors about government and politics and provides quality leadership training for these young people. This year, Post 32 is sending a total of 9 delegates to Palmetto Boys State from high schools in Dillon, Latta, Lake View, and the Dillon Christian School. Persons interested in learning more about the South Carolina American Legion can visit www.scarolinalegion.org.