Submitted by Lynn Liebenrood, Secretary
The September meeting of the Magnolia Garden Club was hosted by Amanda Morrell. Dollie Morrell created a stunning arrangement of limelight hydrangea, purple heather, zinnias, and purple ligustrum in a beautiful container as the centerpiece.
The ladies enjoyed pumpkin and cream cheese sandwich cookies, glazed pecans, diced prosciutto and sundried tomato goat cheese sprinkled with balsamic glaze on a bruschettini, and a fall punch.
Lori Ann Corbett introduced our newest members: Kim Hayes, Sybil Hayes, and Carol Lee.
Program Chairman Amanda Morrell introduced Janice Wyatt, Red Door Flowers, with the program entitled “Pumpkin Arranging.” She carved a pumpkin out and aligned it with Spanish moss and place a vase inside. Mrs. Wyatt then took a variety of foliage and flowers and made an arrangement of different heights. A drawing for the pumpkin arrangement took place and the winner was Lori Ann Corbett.
Then members discussed upcoming potential projects and fundraising such as the Belva Finklea Garden and the Harvest Festival which will be held on September 24, 2022 led by Dollie Morrell. Ideas were provided for fundraisers that the members could brainstorm further. Mrs. Morrell then went over the 2022-2023 programs.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Time To: Place herbs such as parsley, rosemary, chives, thyme and marjoram in pots from the garden for growing indoors this winter.
Tip of the Month: Continue planting evergreens all month during September.