The Orange Heart Medal Foundation is actively working at state and federal levels asking for support by congress to pass H.R. 4982 to establish the Agent Orange Veterans Service Medal. The Orange Heart Medal would honor and recognize victims of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. Whereas the Purple Heart Medal acknowledges a visible injury, the Orange Heart Medal acknowledges an invisible injury. Further, these invisible injuries often only become known many years later in the form of cancers or other serious maladies. The health effects of Agent Orange related to military service in Vietnam have been identified by the VA as 18 presumptive conditions that are medically acceptable for this medal. In the South Carolina legislature, resolutions have been introduced to honor the victims of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War by State Representative Jackie Hayes and State Senator Greg Hembre, and other South Carolina legislators. Pending the resolution of H.R. 4982, the Orange Heart Medal Foundation has Orange Heart Medals available now for qualified Vietnam War veterans who have suffered or are now suffering from their exposure to Agent Orange. The Orange Heart Medal Foundation underwrites the cost of the medal and qualified Vietnam War Veterans can find the application online at www.orangeheartmedal.org. Completed applications can be mailed to Dillon VFW Post 6091 c/o Quartermaster Jim Chavis, 214 Stewart Street, Dillon SC 29536. A family member may apply for a deceased qualified Veteran. Once the VFW receives the applications, they will group submit the applications to the Orange Heart Medal Foundation for final approval. A date will be set to publicly award the Orange Heart Medals with an appropriate ceremony recognizing the war Veteran and expressing gratitude for the courageous service to our country as one of America’s most heroic citizens. Eligible Vietnam War Veterans or their surviving family members wanting to be part of this Orange Heart Medal group presentation ceremony are asked to send their completed applications to the Dillon VFW at the address mentioned above.