By Lynn Liebenrood, Secretary
The October meeting of the Magnolia Garden Club was hosted by Donna Edwards at her lovely home.
Donna created a stunning arrangement of brown-eyed susans, umbrella palms, viburnum, lespedeza, and hydrangeas.
The ladies enjoyed pumpkin bites, pound cake, ham biscuits with pear preserves, mixed nuts, pimento cheese with crackers, and spiced punch.
Vice-President Dollie Morrell began the meeting by welcoming Pam Snipes as a new member.
Program Chairman Donna Edwards and Vice-President Dollie Morrell held a business meeting and plans for the year by covering the Magnolia Garden Club yearbook that each member receives.
Members discussed participating at the Pop-Up Market in downtown Dillon on Monday, November 14 from 4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Donna Edwards shared the book entitled “Mrs. Whaley and her Charleston Garden” with members as a fun reading opportunity that can be discussed for a few minutes each month. Members are to read the first three chapters for the November meeting. Discussion was also held on the Christmas Home Tour in Florence on Sunday, December 4. Ideas were shared for the program in March 2023.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Time To: Plant spring bulbs among hostas, ferns, daylilies or ground covers. As these plants grow in the spring they will hide the dying bulb foliage.