AMERICAN LEGION PLACES FLAGS ON VETERAN GRAVES: Members of the Dillon American Legion Post 32, its Auxiliary Unit 32, and other volunteers recently visited Dillon area cemeteries to put American flags on marked Veteran gravesites in remembrance of deceased Veterans and as part of Veterans Day community programs. Americans celebrate this national holiday every year on November 11th as a time to recognize all our military Veterans and express appreciation for their service. In cities and towns across America, patriotic programs are held in city parks and town squares honoring all Veterans. Part of that patriotism includes remembering deceased Veterans by placing American flags on graves marked Veteran. In this picture L-R, are Madison Bailey DHS, Marcie Bailey DHS, Auxiliary President Terry Hayes, Kay Hewitt DHS, Levern Hayes, Coleen Harlow, Edwin McKenzie, CJ Bailey DCS, and Austin Locklear DHS pose at Riverside Cemetery before moving on to Evergreen Cemetery. Not pictured are Post 32 Commander Asa McDuffie, John Harlow, and volunteer Terry Morris. In addition to Riverside Cemetery, American flags were placed on Marked Veteran graves at Evergreen, Mt. Calvary Baptist, Kentyre Presbyterian, Calvary Baptist, Little Rock Baptist, Dothan Baptist, Pleasant Grove Baptist, Resthaven, Fork Baptist, Oak Grove Southern Methodist, Pleasant Hill Baptist, and other Dillon area cemeteries. The Dillon County Veterans Affairs Office (Director Valerie Graves 843.774.1427) will help Veterans and family members of Veterans apply for a free military grave marker for Veterans. (Contributed Photo)