The Dillon Middle School Chorus participated in the Carowinds Festival of Music under the direction of Joshua Fleetwood. They scored their second straight Superior rating of the festival season. There were choirs from all over the Carolinas that participated ranging from the Charlotte area to the Greenville and Beach areas and the mountains. It has been an honor to teach these kids as this rounds up festival season. Two judges gave perfect scores (straight 1s) and another gave an excellent score. Rounding out to a Superior(highest rating given). We thank everyone for their support as we humbly strive to get even better and touch more lives. Cheers for these amazing students. Chorus Members are: Hanninjha Palmer, Brianna Morse, Asianna Huggins Bruce, JC Bohachic, Zana Miller, Zakiyah Campbell, Ryleigh Caddell, Antywan Dunson, Isabella Garcia, Katlyn Allen, Zakiyah Evans, Alani Scott, Nick Berry, Tristan Dove, Mary George, Jaylend McLain, Nyjah Washington, Deziyah Pate, Mia Gregory, Kimora Poole, Minniya Alford, and Jasmine Betancourt.